Our working method

At “De Waal, Zey & Engels,” we embrace our rich history as agents in the Dutch wine trade since 1920. With four generations of experience as certified wine experts, we have an unparalleled passion for and knowledge of the world of wine. Our broad portfolio includes exclusive selections from classic wine countries, carefully guarding the commercial interests of both producers and importers.

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Our market approach with knowledge and support

At “De Waal, Zey & Engels,” we strongly believe in a market-oriented approach. We actively listen to our suppliers’ needs and work closely with them to develop a customized strategy that perfectly matches market demand.

Our in-depth knowledge of trends and consumer preferences helps our importers find successful distribution channels, both nationally and internationally.

De Waal Zey Engels Benadering
De Waal Zey Engels Vineyard
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Exclusive cooperation with importers

We are committed to building lasting partnerships with our importers. With personal attention and a genuine interest in their business goals, we work intensively together to achieve optimal results.

Our guidance and support go beyond wine selection; we offer comprehensive support in the areas of market positioning, marketing strategies and sales promotion.

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A dedicated role as a commercial mediator

As a commercial mediator, we act as a valuable link between producers and importers. We defend the interests of both parties, striving for a win-win situation.

With our in-depth expertise and years of experience, we are able to bring the right wine to the right importer with precision and vice versa.

De Waal Zey Engels bemiddelaar


At “De Waal, Zey & Engels,” we represent a wide range of wineries from classic wine countries. Our portfolio includes carefully selected wines from renowned producers, allowing us to offer a diverse and quality selection to our importers.

Our market-oriented approach is based on in-depth knowledge of trends and consumer preferences, allowing us to support our importers in finding successful distribution channels. We work closely with our suppliers to develop customized strategies that perfectly match market demand and their business goals.

At “De Waal, Zey & Engels,” we believe in building lasting partnerships. During our cooperation, importers can count on personal attention, comprehensive support and guidance in various areas, including market positioning, marketing strategies and sales promotion. Together we work to achieve optimal results and growth in the wine world.

With more than a century of experience as certified wine experts, we are known for our integrity and expertise in the industry. As a commercial mediator, we diligently defend the interests of both producers and importers, striving for a win-win situation for all parties. Our careful selection of wines and our personal approach make us a trusted and reliable partner in the wine trade.